News and Notes

Food Trend Friday: A2 Milk

Posted: 07/28/2017
This week's Food Trend Friday is A2 milk! This milk helps prevent the general discomfort that some people feel after consuming dairy products. To read the article from HuffingtonPost, please click here. ....

Organic Food Rises in Popularity

Posted: 07/27/2017
40% of shoppers are willing to spend 20% or more for organic food. If consumers are willing to spend more for organic food, then is it time for the food industry to go organic? To read the article from USA Today about this matter, please click here. ....

Chipotle Blames Employees for Outbreak

Posted: 07/26/2017
Chipotle blames employees for foodborne illness outbreak in Virginia. To read the news article from Food Safety News, please click here. ....

07-25-17 Weekly Newsletter

Posted: 07/25/2017
Check out our weekly newsletter here! ....

Cow Had 8000% Legal Limit of Drugs in Edible Tissue

Posted: 07/24/2017
Oxytetracycline, Desfuroylceftiofur, and Flunixin were the drugs found in the cow. To read the article, please visit Food Safety News here. ....

Food Trend Friday: Summer Foods

Posted: 07/21/2017
Check out these 10 summer food trends here. ....

World's 50 Best Foods

Posted: 07/20/2017
World's 50 best foods according to CNN.  ....

07-18-17 Weekly Newsletter

Posted: 07/18/2017
Click here to check out our weekly newsletter! ....

Ground Cumin Recall

Posted: 07/17/2017
Ground cumin recall due to presence of lead. To read more about the recall, please visit Food Safety News here. ....

Study Reveals Diet Changes Lead to Longer Life

Posted: 07/13/2017
Study reveals that small diet changes over time can lead to a longer life. By removing red meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, and highly-refined grains like flour, this can lead to a 9%-14% lower risk of dying. To read the full article about this study, please visit Live Science here. ....
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